Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Haiku for you

There has been much downtime here lately after the trip to Vietnam where I’ve sadly watched my tan fade in the Seoul winter the last couple of weeks. Having had every intention of writing about the trip I haven’t been able to concentrate being so preoccupied with trying to find a job for March and the pub marathon that was the lunar new year last week. The job search is kicking into high gear now and it’s time for me to sit down and write something and… blank. Truth is, there wasn’t much or any real adventure in Vietnam although I will have to give the truly wonderful folks at Freedomland Phu Quoc their propers, which will happen in due time. In the meantime I did some soul-searching and reached deep down inside for inspiration and I saw a bright beacon in the form of haiku. Having never experimented with this art form I decided yesterday to write a series of ten poems that turned out to be so profound and inspirational that I felt I needed to share them with the world. I hope you will enjoy them and find them as poignant and life affirming as I did…

First haiku ever
Requires creativity
Too bad I have none

My second haiku
Doesn’t get any better
The third won’t either

Three poems later
Would you call these things poems?
I’d call them salad

Speaking of salad,
Tossed salad would be good now
Minus the celery.

Bloodies are tasty
They’re a good hangover cure
I don’t eat the stalk

It is good for soup
Still talking about celery
I am not sure why.

Maybe I’m just bored
Sitting in my underpants
Writing dumb haikus.

I don’t like my job
Unemployment is much worse
Than making cash though

Words are getting deep
The Japanese should be proud
Of my latest whim.

Time to put on pants
The world awaits my presence

Authors Note: Celery is pronounced here as sell-ree (two syallables).